fantasy football geek GW1 team performance in all formats

ffgeek teams

I think its important to front up and show the performance of the various fantasy football geek teams in the various fomats good or bad.  So here’s the first of the weekly round ups of performance of our various teams in the various formats.  Ill be reporting on a Fantasy Football Geek league basis and an overall basis.  Its a pretty mixed start to put the most positive shine on it

Barclays fantasy premier league

Total points:  67

Fantasy Football Geek league position:  156/273

Overall position:  290,430/2,173,962

Leader:  HareBhol    –   asha lockmaglock 126 points

telegraph fantasy football

Total points:  69

FFgeek league position:  8/50

Overall position:  7,677

Leader:   Paul Crook  – Crookface Geek 107 points

facebook fantasy premier league

Total points: 98

FFgeek league position: 5/22

Overall position: 1,598

Leader:  Bombay Breezers – Roy Agnew 137 points

Sky Sports fantasy football

Total points: 36

FFgeek league position: 74/104

Overall position: 195,576

Leader:   Paul Wheatcroft –  110th Special Unit –  112 points

The Sun Dream Team

Total points: 45

overall position:  100,757

No ffgeek league



So a pretty ordinary start overall.  Good performances in the telegraph and facebook and a very bad performance in Sky.  Although as luck would have it facebook apparently had some technical issues and I think they are going to scrap GW1!

Heres moving forward to GW2!


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